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Ron's Story

"This team of dedicated individuals saved my life..."

"From the moment I was seen by Dr. Singh, he and his team were completely involved in my care. Each and every one of them treated me with courtesy, respect, and caring...this team of dedicated individuals saved my life and I can never thank them enough."

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Ron Evans


"This team of dedicated individuals saved my life" - Ron's Story

"My name is Ron Evans, and I’m a cancer survivor. My story starts two years ago in May 2022 when my primary care physician Dr. Silka Hoosier with Sequatchie Valley Medical Care screened me for prostate cancer. My PSA was elevated at 3.5 so I was referred to a specialist. Unfortunately, the specialist’s office did not inform me of an appointment being set for August, and later when I was informed I missed the appointment I was rescheduled for March 2023, 10 months after that initial test.

"When I met with the urologist, I was given a blood test and told my prostate was enlarged. There was no recommended treatment at this time, but a follow up was scheduled for 6 months. At the early September 2023 appointment, bloodwork was taken and a follow up scheduled for late October. At this appointment it was clear things were escalating. My PSA was at 8.8, my prostate was more enlarged, and a biopsy was scheduled for the next week.

"Twenty samples were taken and every single one was positive for cancer. My Gleason Cancer Staging score was 8 to 9, indicating Stage 4. I was given an injection of Eligard on December 1st, a hormone therapy to reduce the symptoms of advance prostate cancer.

"To me, this seemed too little too late. Until the results of the biopsy, I had no idea my condition was so advanced. I had no idea I had cancer. Why would I? My appointments were spaced months apart, bloodwork rarely taken, and my physician showed a lack of concern that indicated I had nothing to worry about. When I confronted my urologist about this, I was told he’d been out of the country and also sick himself. I don’t know why I wasn’t referred to someone else, but at this point my wife Elisa and I decided it was time to find a new doctor.

"My PCP Dr. Hoosier referred me to Dr. Singh at Erlanger Urology who got me in office within days. From the moment I was seen by Dr. Singh, he and his team including Dr. Ryan Cleary, Dr. Matt Graham, Kyle Casey, and Jessica Fosbinder were completely involved in my care.

Ron Evans Rings Bell

"From the moment I was seen by Dr. Singh, he and his team were completely involved in my care."

"From here things happened fast. Within three weeks I had met with Dr. Cleary about radiation, had a PET scan, found out the cancer had metastasized to my back, and met with Dr. Graham about additional medications to start immediately.

"I began my first six weeks of radiation on February 12 and my second round after mapping the secondary cancer on my back on April 9. I was finished with radiation a few days later on April 15- nearly two full years after the initial bloodwork indicating a potential for cancer.

 "Each and every one of them treated me with courtesy, respect, and caring."

"The reason I am telling my story is to share everything I have experienced with Erlanger and their staff. I can’t say enough about each and every member of this team and how fortunate I am to have found them. From the first appointment with Dr. Singh, Dr. Graham, Dr. Cleary, Jessica Fosbinder, Kyle Casey, the nurses, the staff that checked me in and the radiation technicians. Each and every one of them treated me with courtesy, respect, and caring.

"I guess what I want to make sure I get across is this team of dedicated individuals saved my life and I can never thank them enough. My wife and I are forever thankful for their efforts."