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Donor Tributes

Sam Darnell

Sam Darnell

"At the age of 22, my beautiful son, Sam Darnell, made the decision to register to be an organ donor when updating his driver's license after moving into his own apartment on December 28, 2023. He graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a business management degree and was starting life on his own. Little did we know, that a mere 25 days later, our boy would be gone and we'd be looking at fulfilling his desire to help others. Sam was my previous one and only boy and his dad's favorite travel and adventure partner. He was deeply loved by his family and dear friends, and he was appreciated for his thoughtfulness and kindness to others. He experienced a lot in his 22 years and enjoyed many exhilarating adventures around the country, lots of music concerts and theatre shows, and a long list of memorable moments we hold so dear. He had an engineering mind and always loved trains. He was planning to move to Chicago in the future to pursue his dream of working for the Chicago Transit Authority, with plans of improvements to the current rail system. Our Sam was always a truly good friend; he was loyal, intentional, openhearted, and generous in telling all those he loved how he felt about them. His final act of friendship and care for others was in his decision to be a donor hero. Upon examination of Sam's heart, the cardiologist at Erlanger said Sam's heart was 'beautiful.' He had no idea how wholly accurate that statement was! We are grateful to the staff of Tennessee Donor Services for helping us fulfill his wishes, and we know that our Sam lives on in those of us who loved him so and in those blessed to receive his gifts." - Marcheta Darnell, Sam's mother

Cryson Lawrence

Cryson Lawrence

"Meet Cryson Damone Lovell Lawrence. His life was short but he made a HUGE IMPACT in so many lives, especially the lives he saved! He was a very loving child. He loved everyone. Anybody that wanted to hold, hug, or embrace him, he was down for it! He loved playing with his toys, his cousins, and his stepbrothers. Cryson loved being around the "big boys" and older men. He always tried to show he was bigger and wiser than everyone thought he was. He wanted to prove, "I'm a big boy, I'm no baby!" We love and miss Cryson's personality and presence so much. But I'm thankful and grateful he was able to give life to others. I know his heart still beats, his lungs still breathe, and his liver still lives. For that, we are forever "Cryson Strong." - Cryson's Mother

Transplant Stories

Catherene GrayCatherene Gray

"At the age of 15, I was diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis, a rare type of kidney disease that makes it hard for your kidneys to filter waste and can lead to kidney failure. I was told I would need a transplant. My first transplant lasted four and a half years. I then went into rejection and had to go on dialysis. While on dialysis, I kept on living life. Miraculously, I became pregnant and was able to give birth to a healthy baby girl. I was on dialysis for nine years and then got on the transplant list. One year later, on May 18, 2023, I got the call telling me they had a kidney. There are ups and downs with transplant, but I've made it, and this gift of life is truly a blessing to me, especially since it is my second transplant. Words can't express how grateful I am for this transplant and my donor. I'm able to watch my child grow up and not be stuck on a machine anymore. An organ donor saved my life!"

Gene Proctor and Family - TransplantGene Proctor

"Gene was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease at the age of 18. He watched his diet and health so he could maintain his kidney function. However, in May of 2021, he was diagnosed with COVID, causing him to lose what remaining kidney function he had. After two years of dialysis, he was placed on the transplant waiting list. If you know Gene, then you know what a generous person he is. He always says that the Lord has blessed him with so much and that he uses that to help others. On Monday, May 1, 2023, it wasn't Gene giving, it was his friend Keith. Two years ago, Kookie and Keith Ball's house burned. I believe this event brought us all closer together and started Gene and Keith's friendship. From that time, their friendship grew. So much so that Keith, being the selfless person he is, stepped up to donate his kidney to save Gene's life. The way this has all come together, the things that have fallen apart so that God's plan could come together is truly amazing. Thank you, Keith Ball! Over the last year, Gene has continued to recover, regain strength, and is back to work and activities that he was doing before dialysis. Thank you to the Erlanger Kidney Transplant Center." - Shanna Proctor, Gene's wife

Jan FrazierJan Frazier

"My kidney journey started when I was 15 years old after an exploratory surgery revealed I was born with only one kidney that was very malformed and showed a blockage in the ureter. The blockage was removed twice and I continued to live life. I married, obtained three college degrees, raised two boys, and had a career in education. After 50 years without issue, my malformed kidney began to fail. I continued to teach high school, but I was extremely tired. My sweet husband let it be known that I desperately needed a kidney. Several potential donors were tested, including my boys, but none qualified. Then, my best friend's husband, Dan Wilson, offered to donate, and we were a match! We completed the transplant and I was out of the hospital in three days! Nothing is impossible! In 2020, I had an adverse reaction to an immunosuppressant and my transplant began to fail. I was placed on dialysis; however, I met many great people through that experience and I continued to volunteer and resume life as normal. Erlanger's transplant team was awesome in their care! Almost eight years to the day I received my first transplant, I received a call from Erlanger that a kidney was possibly available for me. It was a bittersweet moment as I was overwhelmed with emotions. Someone who passed away was giving me new life! What a blessing. I am so thankful to the amazing family who made that decision and God's mercy for allowing me to live life to the fullest again! I sincerely hope that you will consider being a donor. There is no better gift than life!"