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NAPBC Accreditation


Why does it matter to you?

Erlanger’s Center for Breast Health is accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), a program administered by the American College of Surgeons. This ensures you will receive:

  • A multi-disciplinary team approach to coordinate the best care and treatment options for you
  • Access to breast cancer-related information, education and support.
  • Ongoing monitoring and improvement of your care
  • Information about clinical trials and new treatment options
  • Breast center data collection and monitoring of quality indicators for all subspecialists involved in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

By receiving care at our NPABC-accredited center you can be confident that your breast care team includes health care professionals from a variety of disciplines who are committed to working together to provide you with the best care available throughout your entire course of treatment. Learn more about our NAPBC accreditation from the American College of Surgeons.