The Bylaws Committee conducts an annual review of the Medical Staff bylaws and presents recommended revisions to Medical Executive Committee. The Vice Chief of Staff will serve as Chair of this committee.
Chair of the Bylaws Committee
Leslie Griffin, MD
Administrative Liaison
Alisa Bolt, Medical Staff Services Manager
Medical Staff Bylaws - Rev. 10/2024
The Credentials Committee reviews the credentials of clinicians applying for initial appointment or reappointment to the Medical Staff at Erlanger and makes recommendations for membership and delineation of privileges in compliance with the Medical Staff Bylaws, Credentialing Policies and Procedures, and Clinical Service requirements; reviews and approves new or revised credentials and privileges, forms and processes; reviews and approves credentialing policies and procedures. The Credentials Committee is a subcommittee of and directly reports to the Medical Executive Committee
Credentials Committee Chairperson
Jason Rehm, MD
View DetailsAdministrative Liaison
Alisa Bolt, Medical Staff Services Manager
The Ethics Committee is a multidisciplinary body whose purpose is to provide advice, consultation, guidance and education about the ethical aspects of the provision of medical treatment within the health system.
Ethics Committee Chairperson
Ashley Fedusenko, MD
Administrative Liaison
Martha Burgett, Director of Risk Management Staff Attorney
Medical Ethics Committee Charter (Approved 4-9-2018)
The MEC functions as the Executive Committee of the Erlanger Medical Staff, in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules and Regulations.
Chief of Staff, Officer's Committee
Benjamin Dart, MD
Administrative Liaison
Alisa Bolt, Medical Staff Services Manager
The Medical Quality Improvement Committee (MQIC) is Erlanger’s peer review body, reviewing individual practitioner performance for the medical staff. Committee members judge practitioner performance based on information provided by individual reviewers with appropriate subject matter expertise.
Administrative Liaison
Elizabeth Rockwood, Manager of Medical Staff Quality and Peer Review
The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee serves as a mechanism to ensure that evidence-based, cost-effective use of medications is being made across Erlanger Health System to ensure sustainable best practices and care for all patients.
Chair of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee; Erlanger Chief Medical Officer
Jensen Hyde, MD
Administrative Liaison
Julia Friedman, Sr Dir of Pharmacy
Oversight of all infection prevention and control practices for the system. The committee meets monthly and reports up to Quality, Clinical Effectiveness and Medical Officers Committees as required.
Chair of the Infection Prevention Committee
Jay Sizemore, MD
Administrative Liaison
Tamara Grayson-Eubanks, Infection Prevention Director