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Grilling Safety

Grilling Safety Tips

  • Position the grill well away from siding and deck railings, out from under eaves and overhanging branches, and a safe distance from lawn games, play areas, and foot traffic.
  • Keep children and pets away from the grill area by declaring a three-foot "kid-free zone" around the grill.
  • Keep all matches and lighters away from children. Teach your children to report any loose matches or lighters to an adult immediately.
  • Be careful when using lighter fluid. Do not add fluid to an already lit fire because the flames can flash back up into the container and explode.
  • Grill only outdoors! If used indoors, or in any enclosed spaces, such as garages or tents, barbecue grills pose both a fire hazard and the risk of exposing occupants to carbon monoxide.